8.6 - Raking supports and cutting

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Typically roof deck sheets are supplied to site with square ends, hence where a raking end joint is required these sheets must be cut to suit on site.


At raking joints / verges within the roof deck the sheets are to be butted together as end lapping is not possible due to the trapezoidal profile of the sheets. The support width in these locations must be sized to ensure the minimum end bearing for butted sheets can be achieved.

Careful consideration is required for sealing and provision of fillers in raking locations.

Consider Off-site cutting?

SMD offer an off-site cutting service, with the sheets individually detailed and cut prior to being delivered to site. This service has successfully been in place for the floor deck range for years and has added benefits of:

• Reduced time working at height
• Improved site programme
• Less wastage at height
• Reduced noise pollution
• Waste recycled at source

This provides an altogether more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution.

Refer to Section 13.7 - Off-site cutting for more information

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